1. Unzip the the template file (groovyvideo.zip) that you have downloaded.
2. Via FTP, upload the whole folder (groovyvideo) to your server and place it in the /wp-content/themes/ folder. The template files should thus be here now: /wp-content/themes/groovyvideo/.
3. You will then also need to CHMOD the “cache folder” in the themes folder i.e. /wp-content/themes/groovyvideo/cache/ to 777 (details here).
4. Log into your WP admin panel and click on the Design tab. Now click on the Groovy Video theme to activate it (see the first screenshot below).
5. Note: When first clicking the theme to activate it, the preview pane will show that the theme contains “errors”, but this is only because you haven’t set up the Theme Options yet.
6. Complete all of the required inputs on the Groovy Video Options page (in the WP admin panel) and click “Save Changes”. Section 2 below details this process (See the second screenshot below).
7. Note: You will also need to download the WP-PostRatings Plugin to enable the rating functionality.
Live Demo and[download#5]